Our Travel Blog
Our Travel Blog | GrandTours, Inc.
17 September, 2011
New Beginnings!

Welcome back for the 2011-2012 school year! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are energized to return to the classroom. As former teachers, we know what it feels like to watch new students walk through the door with bright smiles and a genuine level of excitement to be back in school! New friendships, the sharing of summer adventures, and exciting potential all make it an amazing time of the year!

GrandTours is thrilled to be working with so many quality music ensembles on concert tours that will reach out to some of the most beautiful destinations and cultures in the world.

International groups traveling in 2012 will be touring the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia and Turkey! Those choosing to stay closer to home will be traveling to Puerto Rico, New York, New Orleans, Orlando, Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Chicago! Many of these custom tours are well on their way in the planning process and others are just beginning.

Our vision is simple: Create travel programs that will change the lives of your students. We look forward to working with you this year in bringing that vision to life. We view your choice to travel with GrandTours as a partnership in creating a tour that will imprint memories to last a lifetime on your students. We look forward to working with you on exciting travel adventures!

Dream | Design | Discover


Jeff Goldsmith & Keith Engdahl
Directors of GrandTours